Monday, September 29, 2008

monday 9/29/08

I got a new assignment, in which I have to make my essential questions.

Friday, September 26, 2008

friday 9/26/08 is Friday and I uploaded my resource list and fixed my key terms

Thursday, September 25, 2008

thursday 9/25/08

Today I'm still doing research...I was looking at animal friends and I found this article which talks about adopting old animals. I think its really great for people to adopt older animals because they are probably already house broken, taught basic commands, and they probably dont chew at things as much as a new puppy would. They also have this Red Collar Society, and the lady who actually created it got the name from the Red Hat Society (for older women enjoying their middle ages), but basically its for the older animals and they would get lots of special discounts on pet jewelry, special classes for the pets arthritis, and some other classes to bond the new owner and the pet.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

wednesday 9/24/08

So..Savido left me with a comment that now leaded me to a stumbling am I going to get involved? First I thought of my original idea of "the bake sale," but how would I get the food or the money to even start it? I'm still looking for good sites to help me out. Maybe I should find other ways or just rethink other ways of getting involved.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

tuesday 9/23/08

This all seems like a blur to me. I can't seem to find anything that really appeals to my topic. Like I can't find anything that's really interesting. I'm about to keep working on my webliography...

Monday, September 22, 2008

monday 9/22/08

I still have like 3 key that would be my first priority rite now...
So the key terms are done so the next step is the webliography which I think I had started on a Word I guess I should update it and add more...then in the next few days put it on one of my blog posts.

Friday, September 19, 2008

friday 9/19/08

I did most of the key terms for savido.
I found some other websites and they're lookin pretty good about the whole helping homless pets topic. I've also been seeing a lot of adpoting pets too.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

thursday 9/18/08

Still thinking about the whole bake sale thing. If its even possible. i mean it would be, but I have no idea how i would go about it. Like if I would be the only one doing it, or...I don't know. I'm just pretty much just rambling now. Talking to savido helped narrow my thoughts down to homeless animals.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

wednesday 9/17/08

First thing I started on was the key terms or what ever Mrs. savido said. I think there's supposed to be 10 of them, so that isn't so bad. Once I'm done with that, I think I should search some more stuff on my topic. Basically, the question I'm thinking of now is, which charity or organization should I be looking at.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

thursday 9/11/08

I definitely can't do this any more...This whole thing is way too stressful. I tried actually doing something that I would love, help the community, and would be fun at the same time, but while pitching to savido, my dreams crashed and burned. I don't see the big deal. I don't know anymore. Suddenly, I don't want to continue with my original plan.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday 9/10/08

Today I've been rethinking the whole charity they have different ways to give back to the community and I was thinking more in depth about a bake sale. I have no idea why a bake sale, but i guess it would at least some kind of way. I'm definitely still stuck on the topic of animals, so I think...I'll possibly be on the right track of this whole topic thing. I'm looking on Google. I talked to Mrs. Savido and she brought up the great American bake sale, but I'm looking on their website and it's for homeless kids I think. Well, this makes me want to do the bake sale, but I have to find an organization to possibly donate it to. I also found a website of PAWS which is an organization for helping animals, so I'm looking into that too.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

tuesday 9/9/08

I've been thinking more, and I have a pretty good idea of what kind of topic I want to do my grad project on. I think I should clash something dealing with animals and something for a charity. The reasons for this would be for my beneficial state and to give back to the community, in a way. I'm going to look on some websites to look up anything good. Ok, so I went on google and I typed chartities for animals. So I ended up on and I'm just browsing on how to go about doing this. Should I get involved with one of the big charities or should I make my own? I have to do more thinking now.

Monday, September 8, 2008

monday 9/8/08

Today is Monday, its supposed to be day two of this whole grad project. Honestly, im definately scared out of my mind. I have no idea on what to even start thinking about. I wasn't here on Friday, but i was told all we did was to basically think about the topics we are interested in. I still have no idea on what to think...or even do for that matter, but I think I'm going to try to come up with something.

-I was just thinking about last year and two girls came into our class doing a "march for darfur" or something. Like they went around trying to sign people up for the march. So, I'm wondering, since I like animals, I should do something with animals, like a charity they have on t.v.

...And sadly that's all i came up with..I hope I find some other topics. I think I'd be ok with that topics, but, right now I have no idea wher I would start. Maybe I'll find something...maybe not...I have no clue.

This all just seems like a bad nightmare...that won't go away. Wow, this graduation project just seems so close to comming up...I'm not even sure I'll be ready for the challenges I'll be facing.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Getting Started

Ok, so, I just set up my account for this blog thingy. First I filled out this little template for my e-mail, password, and a display name. Then I picked a layout. Next I had to post a comment on the 3 question..... and now I'm pretty much clueless on what to do next...